Xtra Xtra Presented By VDG Sports Podcast
Oh look that’s so cute, so cuddly and not so harmful
Oh look that’s so cute, so cuddly and not so harmful I’m back! New Years resolution: Shade throwing Overtime. Perfect times. Only one of me……
Do something for me… [REBROADCAST]
Do something for me… [REBROADCAST] Rain check reminder Selfish? Again? Favor? Need? I think. You are there with me. What about… Mouth-breathing campaign Request is…
No way I can be a fanatic [REBROADCAST]
No way I can be a fanatic [REBROADCAST] How are you doing? I’m not a fanatic… Picked my football? Nope! Thanks! I’m grateful. Assuming that was…
VDG Sports
Understanding the Role of Safeties in Canadian Football
The Case for Flexing NFL Games: Enhance Viewer Enjoyment & Engagement
Ranking the Greatest NFL Players in History: A Definitive List
Controversial MLB Figures: Scandals & Legends in Baseball Hall of Fame
Appreciating the Game: Embracing the NBA Without Analytics
Navigating MLB Controversies: A Closer Look at the Hot Button Issues
Disputed Legends: Controversial Figures Across Eras of Baseball
Are you about that studio life? [REBROADCAST]
Are You About That Studio Life? [REBROADCAST] We are now promoting For your info I studios What else could one need? More than two It’s right…
Can you be anything you set your mind to [REBROADCAST]
Can you be anything you set your mind to [REBROADCAST] Can do anything… Just couldn’t do it… No, not talking about mouth breather’s campaign… No,…
Going from zero to one hundred in half a second… [REBROADCAST]
Going From Zero To One Hundred In Half A Second… [REBROADCAST] Shout out to night workouts peeps. Magically make everyone else disappear. Night workouts are…
Overthinking, the process of creating a catch [REBROADCAST]
Overthinking, The Process Of Creating A Catch [REBROADCAST] Get outta the way… 0:38 Follow me… 1:14 Overthink things… 1:32 Nothing to do with… 2:57 Screen protector. 4:36…
Hey ref, love watching beautiful grass gross… video assisted it! [REBROADCAST]
Hey Ref, Love Watching Beautiful Grass Gross… Video Assisted It! [REBROADCAST] Have to do this… 0:37 Follow me… 1:12 Start off saying… 1:57 Take full responsibility… 2:27…
Live like a Neanderthal, retire and be free [REBROADCAST]
Live Like A Neanderthal, Retire And Be Free [REBROADCAST] Some of you… 0:39 Follow me… 1:43 Go caveman with it… 2:27 Wasn’t free this time… 4:40 Comfort…
The yellow brick road is still the classic, don’t lie!
The Yellow Brick Road Is Still The Classic, Don’t Lie! Yes, I am cold… 0:38 Follow me… 1:08 On my way! 3:28 So many things… 5:30…
Get sport happiness don’t earn it, do the happy dance often
Get Sport Happiness Don’t Earn It, Do The Happy Dance Often Mind went blank… 0:38 Follow me… 1:16 Autopilot breaks down 2:00 Made the transition… 2:44…
Bad voice, no rain checks — that’s “boring” personified [REBROADCAST]
Bad Voice, No Rain Checks — That’s “Boring” Personified Voice still bad. No rain checks to cash? Nah! You know so much. I know so…