Change Is scary, the unknowable is tough, endless possibilities are brutal

Change is scary, but it’s also AMAZING and INTENSE! You’re going to LOVE it!

We humans have been doing this for a long time and we’re pretty good at picking up on trends, identifying patterns, and adapting to change. That’s been an evolutionary advantage — if you could identify a sudden shift in the environment, you had a fighting chance of surviving it. But this ability to adapt and learn has also given rise to a fear of “the unknown.”

change is scaryBeing afraid of change is one of the most common feelings among people today. We can see it in politics, business, and social media — people are constantly trying to predict what will happen next. Every day we wake up and make decisions based on what we learned yesterday. Computers do their best to predict the future based on historical trends. Humans are programmed to be afraid of the unknown because our world is constantly changing — there’s only so much you can do to prepare for every possible outcome.

The truth is that change isn’t always bad — sometimes it’s good. But it’s important to know that it doesn’t have to be scary or uncertain. The key is to be open and accepting of everything that happens along the way — from small changes like losing your phone in the subway station to big changes like moving across the country.

In fact, change is actually one of the most powerful forces driving human evolution — adaptation. Friendly free advice: the sooner you accept change is scary the better off you will be.

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